We drove from Gatlinburg to Pinehurst on Monday (8/3) and checked into our condo for a little relaxation. Nice condo, but couldn't hook up with the internet.
The kids played a practice round on Tuesday and Wednesday; Alisa plays Talamore and Jack plays Little River. Talamore is a tough course. Very hilly and the greens are hard to read.
FIRST ROUND - First day jitters. Jack shot a 86 and Alisa shot a 98. They have the girls on EXTREMELY long holes.....410 yard par 5. Crazy for 10 year old girls.
SECOND ROUND - Alisa did much better, a beautiful 87. The Kids Golf people must have received enough complaints, plus the best score was 74, that they moved up 6 holes; all the par 5's and two par 4's. Jack had a nice day too, shooting a very nice 82, to include 4 birdies.
After the kids were done we drove to Pinehurst Village and stopped at a cool golf store called Old Sport & Gallery, run by Tom Stewart. It had a ton of old golf memorabilia from the time golf started until now. While we were there Jim Derr, the first commentator for CBS Sports for the Augusta Masters and commentated on golf for 35 years. Mr. Derr told us some great stories and what a icon to listen to. He told us a story about meeting Albert Einstein at Princeton and upon meeting him asked him if he played golf. Mr Einstein answered in a husky voice, "No, it's too complicated for me." Mr. Derr very impressive and a healthy 92 years old. I could have listened to his stories all night.
Round 3 is tomorrow morning and I'll try to update when we get internet service. Alisa tee's off at 7:40 AM and Jack's tee time hasn't been posted yet.
Pictures to come.......
Friday, August 7, 2009
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
We finally have internet access. YEA!!
Gatlinburg was beautiful. The cabin we had was great; two bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, full kitchen and living room with a view of the Smokey Mountains. I'll post a picture as soon as I can download the pictures.
The kids went on go-carts, did Hillbilly Golf and went to Dollywood. I believe their favorite was Dollywood.
My favorite was sitting on the back deck drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Scott's was drinking a beer and smoking a cigar on the back deck.
Pictures to come.......
Gatlinburg was beautiful. The cabin we had was great; two bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, full kitchen and living room with a view of the Smokey Mountains. I'll post a picture as soon as I can download the pictures.
The kids went on go-carts, did Hillbilly Golf and went to Dollywood. I believe their favorite was Dollywood.
My favorite was sitting on the back deck drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Scott's was drinking a beer and smoking a cigar on the back deck.
Pictures to come.......
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dual Player of the Year
The kids have been very busy this summer playing both U.S. Kids Golf Tournaments and USJGAA (U.S. Jr Golf Association of Arizona) Tournaments.
Alisa captured Player of the Year for the US Kids Golf last year and Jack has been eyeing her trophy since. Scott and Ben Weir (the kids coach) have been working with both the kids and especially Jack so he can earn that trophy. Well, the work paid off.
U.S. Kids Golf is based on points earned at every tournament (20 pts for 1st place, 15 points for 2nd, 10 pts for 3rd). Then the last tournament of the summer, the Championship, is double points for each place. This year's Championship tournament was held at Orange Tree in Scottsdale. Scott had to work so we had Alex, a friend from Las Sendas Golf Club, caddy for Jack. Alex plays on the Red Mountain HS golf league and is currently looking at colleges in San Diego for golf.
The two did well and Jack came in first, adding 40 points to his current total of points, giving him first place overall.
Alisa took 1st place at all the U.S. Kids Golf tournaments this summer and didn't need to play the Championship to give her Player of the Year....it was already in the bag. Instead, Alisa played at the USJGAA Ping Masters Jr. Tournament. It was a two day tournament, with 3 girls in Alisa's age group. The first day all three girls tied. The second day it was a little tougher and Alisa lost by one stroke. After the tournament, we drove quickly to Orange Tree so Alisa could receive her trophy for Player of the Year for U.S. Kids Golf. So, it wasn't too bad of a day for her either.
In a few hours, we fly out to North Carolina for the U.S. Kids Golf World Championship in Pinehurst. The tournament doesn't start until August 5th, but we're leaving early to get a little vacation in at Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
I'll keep everyone updated on the kids status.
A Visitor from the Preserve
For the first time since we moved to Arizona, we had a wild animal in our back yard, other than birds and rabbits. A bobcat made him/her self comfortable in on our lawn for about 20 minutes. Needless to say, the Brittany and Cabo were safe inside the house until our guest left.
The Game & Wildlife people assure us that bobcats are not interested in pets or people, they're favorite food is quail. However, not to take chances, we stayed inside.
Although, while taking morning jogs, I have seen a couple and they show no interest in me at all. In fact, the one I saw was trying to "pounce" on a bird. If you didn't consider the size, you'd think it was a cute little kitty.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A Great Summer Start
Alisa & Jack had their first tournament on May 29th at Lone Tree Golf Course sponsored through U.S. Kids Golf. They did great; both came in first. Alisa shot a 39 and Jack shot a 40.
Alisa had a new caddie for the tournament, Greg Dunn. Greg is our neighbor's son and he did great. Alisa loved him. Greg is going to caddy for Alisa on her June 5th tournament at the Wigwam.
This week the kids played on the JGAA (Junior Golf Association of Arizona) two-day tournament at Cave Creek Golf Club. The JGAA is a little different than U.S. Kids; U.S. Kids is very similar to PGA Rules, where-as the JGAA doesn't allow caddies or laser sites. Even the PGA Tour allows caddies and laser sites. But, it is good experience for the kids.
The first day of the tournament Jack shot 2 under par. Sometimes he seems to do better without a caddie. On the other hand, Alisa has a tougher time without a caddie. The first day she shot a 50. But, she came back the 2nd day and shot a 44. Overall, at the end of the two-day tournament Jack came in 2nd place and Alisa came in 3rd place. They were just thrilled with their trophies.
The tournaments are just beginning; they have another tournament tomorrow (Friday, June 5th) with the U.S. Kids Golf at the Wigwam Golf Resort and then a 3-day tournament at Maryvale with the JGAA.
Alisa had a new caddie for the tournament, Greg Dunn. Greg is our neighbor's son and he did great. Alisa loved him. Greg is going to caddy for Alisa on her June 5th tournament at the Wigwam.
This week the kids played on the JGAA (Junior Golf Association of Arizona) two-day tournament at Cave Creek Golf Club. The JGAA is a little different than U.S. Kids; U.S. Kids is very similar to PGA Rules, where-as the JGAA doesn't allow caddies or laser sites. Even the PGA Tour allows caddies and laser sites. But, it is good experience for the kids.
The first day of the tournament Jack shot 2 under par. Sometimes he seems to do better without a caddie. On the other hand, Alisa has a tougher time without a caddie. The first day she shot a 50. But, she came back the 2nd day and shot a 44. Overall, at the end of the two-day tournament Jack came in 2nd place and Alisa came in 3rd place. They were just thrilled with their trophies.
The tournaments are just beginning; they have another tournament tomorrow (Friday, June 5th) with the U.S. Kids Golf at the Wigwam Golf Resort and then a 3-day tournament at Maryvale with the JGAA.
Spring 2009
It's been awhile since I wrote, but that hasn't stopped the birdie twins from playing golf. Theymainly practiced during the spring, since there are no tournaments. We've switched to Las Sendas Golf Club, which is where the kids golf coach, Ben Weir, is located. They practice 3 times a week and an occasional weekend.
Alisa was accepted into the Mesa Academy for Advanced Studies next year for 5th grade. The Academy only accepts children with specific qualifications, grades and AIMS scores, so we're pretty happy. She has mixed feelings; excited about the learning platform but nervous because she'll miss all her friends from Red Mountain. Mom is happy about not having to lay out clothes; she has her choice of which red, white or blue shirt to go with her khaki pants.
Both the kids went to Ping, located in the west valley, and was personally fitted for golf clubs. Lou and John at Ping were great. They showed the kids around the facility and took time with them during their fitting. The whole experience was very impressive.
It took a week to get the feel of the new clubs, but once they had it, the ball was going higher and longer. Even their bad hits looked good.
Alisa & Jack will have a very busy summer; tournaments through July and then Pinehurst. Now that school is over, Scott is really working with them. The improvements are amazing.
Alisa was accepted into the Mesa Academy for Advanced Studies next year for 5th grade. The Academy only accepts children with specific qualifications, grades and AIMS scores, so we're pretty happy. She has mixed feelings; excited about the learning platform but nervous because she'll miss all her friends from Red Mountain. Mom is happy about not having to lay out clothes; she has her choice of which red, white or blue shirt to go with her khaki pants.
Both the kids went to Ping, located in the west valley, and was personally fitted for golf clubs. Lou and John at Ping were great. They showed the kids around the facility and took time with them during their fitting. The whole experience was very impressive.
It took a week to get the feel of the new clubs, but once they had it, the ball was going higher and longer. Even their bad hits looked good.
Alisa & Jack will have a very busy summer; tournaments through July and then Pinehurst. Now that school is over, Scott is really working with them. The improvements are amazing.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Ohio State Fever

Ohio State made it to Phoenix once again. This time to play against Texas. I'm not even going to talk about the game, HOWEVER, I will discuss the fun we had prior to the game and up to the final 30 seconds.
Our nephew, Michael Jender, plays the baritone in the OSU Marching Band (TBDBITL, The Best Damn Band In The Land). He graduates this May, so this is his last year in the band. My how they grow. He's been in the band since a freshman and this year he made it as the squad leader. We're all very proud of him, especially his dad, my brother, who also played in the Ohio State band.
When OSU plays in Phoenix we've hosted my nephews baritone section, 14 students ("M-Row"), in activities around our house. This year we took the M-Row on our boat at Saguaro Lake and did a little off-roading in the Red Mountain area, followed by pizza at our house. We also had a few of the kids over one night for a little relaxation by the fire pit and howling at the coyotes.
While attending one of the Ohio State activities, The Buckeye Bash, both Jack and Alisa had the opportunity to get a picture with the two-time Heisman Trophy winner, Archie Griffin, along with his autograph. Uncle Robby (my brother) bought Alisa and Jack Ohio State golf caps and Mr. Griffin signed those and also signed Jack's OSU jersey.
We also took The M-Row to In-n-Out Burger; they don't have those in Ohio. While we were there, the entire cheerleading team showed up. It was amazing, the restaurant was filled with about 30 students from OSU all dressed in red. Alisa got her picture with a few of the cheerleaders.
While my brother, Robby, Pat (one of the other dads of the band member) stayed at our house, we attended the activities where the band played. It is no wonder they carry the name The Best Damn Band In The Land; wow......are they impressive.
Jack was SO-O-O excited; he attended his first Ohio State game. He got his face painted for the occasion, and an amazing paint job it was. He was able to find his cousin Michael at the game and took a picture with him.
My brother's youngest son, Matthew, has been accepted at Ohio State. We're all hoping that Matthew makes the band next year so we can continue this tradition.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Southwest Regional Championship
The day after we arrived home from our Cabo trip, the kids participated in the Desert Shootout, Southwest Regional Championship, that was held in Phoenix at the Wigwam Golf Resort. It was a 3 day tournament with children from all over the states and some participants from France, China and Guatamala.
Jack had tough competition and a difficult course. One of his holes was a 120 yard, island green, Par 3. If you didn't land it on the green or in the sand trap, it was in the water. Jack finished 30th in stiff competition. Alisa finished 6th, competing with the number 1 & 2 girls for her age group in the World.
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